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Planning Board Minutes 05/15/2014
May 15, 2014
Conceptual Consultation

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    Chris Condon (Chair)   Michael Frosch (Member) Steve MacDonald(Member)     Bob Holmes (Alternate)         Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate)   
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)  Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   Janet McEwen (Member)      
 Sarah VanderWende (Member)

Members & Staff Absent:   Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        
Peter Moore (Alternate)
Public Attendees:  Lindsey Arceci

7:00PM Public Meeting
Conceptual Consultation Presentation by Jacob Bittner for a potential winery operation at 51 Old Hancock Road, Map 245 Lot 6 in the Rural District - Mr. Bittner did not attend the meeting.

Business Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:05PM and appointed Ms. Voelcker to sit for the absent Vice-Chair Lazar.

Discussion concerning the Economic Revitalization Zone presentation

The Board Members discussed potential ERZ areas.

After a short discussion, including input from Ms. Ogilvie’s experience with the three erz areas in Peterborough, the Board determined that the “downtown” area should be designated.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald moved to invite Mr. Wellington to return to a Planning Board Meeting (“as a firm next step”). Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote: Unanimous vote for a return visit of Mr. Wellington.

Chair Condon stated that he would contact Mr. Chris Wellington of DRED (Department of Resources of Economic Development).

Discussion concerning review and updates to the Master Plan

The Board acknowledged that some chapters need a “good review” and that some sections need revising. After a short discussion, which included input from Ms. Ogilvie, who explained the various methods in which a town could develop a Master Plan, the Board decided on two tasks:

  • The “Implementation” Chapter of the Master Plan should be reviewed by all; and the Implementation chapter should be directed to the proper “agency”
  • All should read the 2010 Master Plan by the June 5 meeting.
Approve – May 1, 2014 minutes
Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes; Mr. MacDonald seconded. On a voice vote, the minutes were approved, as amended.

By-laws – Mr. Holmes requests a change

Mr. Holmes spoke to the amendment. He stated that the main purpose of the amendment was to get the best person possible in the role of chair or vice-chair.

After a short discussion, Mr. Holmes withdrew his amendment, with the hopes that in the next election that a careful, thoughtful discussion occurred before the vote.

Correspondence:  Southwest Regional Commission newsletter – April - FYI

Other business:

Description of Zoning Boundaries - FYI

Ms. VanderWende moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45  pm; Mr. Frosch seconded. All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey, Secretary for the Land Use Boards.